Friday, September 4, 2009

Elhers-Danlos Sucks!

Today, I decided to talk about how bad EDS has been for me the last couple of weeks. It seems like there are certain joints that get injured or hyperextened or just inflamed that the pain just lingers for weeks. No amount of medication seem to touch it. This week for me it's my left thumb down to mid-wrist have been in excrucitatingly gnawing pain. It doesn't help that I always have to use my hands so they never get rest. Even when I sleep I keep my fists balled up underneath me and it just makes it worse. My fingers have been getting stuck in place and although this has always happened, it has been correlating more with the pain.

My shoulder joint area has been twiching and aching non-stop and my large toe joints have been cramping. I have been told that I have Fibromyalgia, but not formally diagnosed and since I don't believe that much can be done about that I haven't pressed too much on that matter.

I feel so guilty about not being able to much with my kids, but if I don't take it easy, then I can be laid up for days.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What to Blog about?

I would like to go with a simple theme but since nothing seems simple in my life, it might take me a while to figure it out.

A little about me: I am a former tattoo artist. I quit to be a stay at home mom when my son was born in 2003. I had a truly rough childhood (not that I believe that is "special" in itself.). It's just that it sounds like a bad novel.
I have twin daughters also and one was born with a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. She spent 15 long months in the hospital fighting for her life. It was a long, sad story that has had a happy "ending". My son had to live with my mother during that time and since we never expected it to be that long, I still feel a great deal of guilt about that.

I don't have many hobbies due to having to take care of my daughter's medical needs, appts., meds etc. I also have health issues namely Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is a genteic joint hypermobility condition. It's what you would think of as "double-jointed". It causes a lot of pain and injuries.

I did start gardening this year and I love to learn about makeup esp. now that I am in my late 30s and my skin is changing.

So what should I focus on? Maybe everything as it comes up? I am new to Blogging but I have been on Facebook. I'm trying Twitter, but I am still having a hard time figuring it out...